What if I told you that you could feel GREAT in just 7 days??
It seems crazy, right? But impossible??.......No!!!
I'm sure you've probably heard of Shakeology - "The Healthiest Meal of the Day".
But of course, who's opinion is that anyways?....plus are you really going to invest in a months supply without even knowing if you will even like it?? Probably not!!
First let me tell you why I love Shakeology ....
#1 - 70 Ingredients....WHAT?? Fruits, Veggies, Super foods, Antioxidants, Probiotics, its all natural, there's NO caffeine, NO artificial flavors or sweeteners and even comes in Vegan. This is my daily dose of nutrition and I know for a fact that I couldn't possibly ingest these sources of nutrients in ONE day any other way. This is what FUELS my body daily!! The best part....I can read the label and actually recognize the ingredients! (quinoa, spinach, blueberries, wheatgrass, flax, chia, acai berry......I could go on and on)
#2 - I feel GREAT!! When I first started drinking Shakeology, I had NO idea what it was.....it came with my T25 program and I was told to drink it for best results, so I did!! I am truly addicted and can't imagine it not a part of my daily life and diet. I noticed immediately a huge increase in energy....Natural energy!! It helped fight that afternoon sluggish feeling that would come over me like clockwork everyday at 2 pm, my skin began to clear up, my recovery from workout has been reduced and the pain and swelling I'd get in my knees and shins diminished as well!!
Plus good-bye mood swings..... I knew I was in love!!
#3 - What it has done to people around me is indescribable!! I absolutely love introducing people to Shakeology and of course everyone is skeptical at first especially with all these quick fix companies and their "weight loss" shakes. I'm proud to say that Shakeology doesn't even fit into those categories and you will not drink this and magically drop any weight!! Once I get people to understand this is a REAL health drink, with REAL ingredients they too fall in love.
To see diabetics able to lower their blood sugar readings, ladies and men with lower cholesterol numbers, people having the energy to play with their children more, soda pop habits kicked to the curb and more is unreal.....What could Shakeology do for you?
Shakeology is preventative measure you can add to your life, why would you not want to invest in yourself!!
So Now What??? Are you still on the fence??
Join my 7 Day Shakeology Challenge and find out what 7 days could do for YOU!
Its easy......Lets spend 7 days together and I will help you learn to love Shakeology and eat cleaner in a small group setting and who knows, you might actually LOVE it too!!
OPTION 1 - 7 Day Shakeo Sampler
Purchase a 7 day supply which I will mail out directly to you for $40cnd plus $3 shipping and chose whether you'd like to try the regular of vegan. All you then have to do is Click the "But Now" button to order below.